About the project

The project aims to support young farmers from Azerbaijan to improve agro-productivity by innovative solutions of agri-waste management and its re-use in micro-scale. The project seeks to share V4 know-how with young farmers from Azerbaijan, so that farmers may not only gain knowledge but also practice on agri-resources management and on-farm waste re-use and re-treatment in agriculture through Circular Farm Impact Boot Lab with tailored capacity building and an exposure tour to V4 countries inter alia.

During the tour the selected participants will have an opportunity not only to become theoretically acquainted with technologies and models of farms and solutions applied there, but also pro-actively shadow the process of re-use agricultural waste at right on the spot placed on selected farms from V4 countries. It will provide an avenue to establish new contacts eyeing further cooperation - searching for business partners and long-term exchange of experience. The actions and its results will be presented during the dissemination conference as well as through social and traditional media.


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